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Nights 3 and 4 - On the Road with Dominique

Old Faithful Inn

OFI Doors

OFI Doors

I visited Yellowstone with my Cotterly grandparents and Aunt Mary in the summer of 1950 or1951, I remember standing and looking at the magnificent Old Faithful Inn and begging to stay there. I was told, "No, it is too expensive."
I think I might have even whined about it - more than once. All to no avail.
I hoped that someday I would return and stay at the Old Faithful Inn.

Well, I did. Perhaps my grandparents and aunt were right. Dominique certainly agreed with their opinion.
300 Dollar Room

300 Dollar Room

We stayed in "the new wings" built in 1917, which was finished quickly to accommodate all the travelers expected when the railroad was completed.
My room is labeled Superior because of the view out the window.
Old Faithful from my Window

Old Faithful from my Window

Dominique had a room without a view for $50 less. She had never stayed in such an expensive hotel and anticipated ***** quality. I tried to explain prior to our arrival we were paying for the history, but knew it was getting lost in the translation. I know she had great disappointment in spending so much for accommodations. I finally had to tell her to stop telling me about all the "shortcomings at the price" because it was interfering with my enjoyment after 65 years of anticipation.
I still recommend you go and stay there. Wander around and take in the history. Pretend it is 100 years ago as you sit in one of the original writing desks on the mezzanine and eat in the dining room. Call ahead as soon as you know you are going and sign up to be one of the lucky 10 people that get to go up on the roof with a guide to take down the flags.
OFI Dining Room

OFI Dining Room

So Hot

So Hot

With all the great areas of the hotel, our only picture is at our table with the fire alarm behind us! Out of 3 shots, this is the best!
All the staff members are extremely helpful - almost obsequious. The restaurant tops this off with disorganization and either cold or overcooked food.
Am I complaining? Moi?
I just believe I finally fulfilled my decades-old dream of staying at each of the historic National Park Inns.

I have one other vivid memory of the area back when I was 6 years old.
I begged to take a photo of Old Faithful. Aunt Mary had a very fancy Kodak camera. She finally relented and told me to shoot it when "Old Faithful went off."
Somewhat puzzled why she gave this direction, I agreed and waited until the spout fizzled down to hovering steam.
Aunt M turned from the geyser and saw my finger click. "Don't take another one!"
"That is the only one I took. You said to take it when it went OFF!"
It was very difficult to make her understand that in my mind, never having seen or imagined a geyser before, that the Off/On concept was like a faucet. On was when it was spewing full force; Off was when the flow stopped coming from the tap.
It is the only time in my life I recall Aunt Mary being upset with me. Remember, this was way back in non-digital days when each frame was very valuable to non-professionals.
Take a Walk Among the Geysers

Take a Walk Among the Geysers

Posted by pscotterly 05:06 Archived in USA Tagged wyoming

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enjoy, that is one place I always wanted to visit but never did.

by clyde r leininger

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