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Denver or Portland?

Which Is the Best?

Denver and Portland are similar in size of population and Denver is only 10 square miles larger. Portland is the only other city I have visited that I think I could consider living in. I keep weighing the pros and cons in my mind. Here is a little of what I keep tossing back and forth.

Denver has 300 days of Sunshine. Portland has 65.

Denver's dry climate causes your skin to crack and your nails to break. In Portland you will have fewer wrinkles.

Both are bicycle friendly, but Denver cyclers are more self righteous and refuse to practice safe riding habits.

Both have fine museums; Denver has more and they are larger with better exhibits and permanent collections.

Denver has more live theaters and performing arts.

The farmers' markets in Portland are truly Farmer's Markets and not unpackaged grocery produce like you often find in Denver

Both have good public transportation. The people in the Portland area actually use it. The Portland light rail extends to the suburbs and you can ride anywhere in the area all day on any train, bus, or trolley for only $2.50 if you are an "Honored Citizen,"

It is a good thing there is good public transportation because driving in Portland is a nightmare; it is at the intersection of two major rivers with 10 bridges. Streets and highways curve around hills and go through tunnels. Denver is laid out in a grid (except the downtown area) with all streets either in alphabetical or numerical order on the nice, slightly sloping plains.

The homeless population in Denver appears to be greater in number with more panhandling. I have never seen violence by homeless on non-homeless/transient in Denver or serious drug-tripping in the middle of Denver streets, but I have seen it daily in Portland.

Downtown Portland has true shopping and department stores. There is even a Target in a historic 3-story building! Heart-of-Denver stores are mainly for tourists or noon-hour shopping.

Grandson Bazil lives in Denver; Bazil does not live in Portland. That makes the decision. I stay in Denver until he is grown or moves away.

Posted by pscotterly 16:42 Archived in USA Tagged denver portland

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John and I enjoy reading your blog. We like to see what you are up to next .I like the reason you are staying in Denver I'm sure he is glad his grandma isn't going to move anytime soon . Take care Paula Enjoy !!!!!

by Carole Lannamann

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