A Travellerspoint blog


Oh, The Excitement

View North by Northwest on pscotterly's travel map.

In case you missed it, Saturday June 18 was World Wide Knit in Public Day!


I joined the KIP session at Seaside Yarn and Button in Sooke.
Buy, Buy, Buy

Buy, Buy, Buy

Along with about 50 other white, mostly middle-aged women and a small number of boys and girls, we sat on the front porch to knit, enjoy looking at everyone's projects, eat cake, and add to our personal stash of quality yarns.
All the hubbub of activity made it necessary for Mr.Sarah (I don't know the surname of the owner) to literally man the register.

After a strenuous four hours of knitting, I found myself back at Mama's for some more of her salmon chowder and lemon meringue pie. I ate the last breadbowl ever to be served at Mama's; they have taken it off the menu.
Mamas's Last Breadbowl

Mamas's Last Breadbowl

Just As Pretty Not As Good

Just As Pretty Not As Good

I didn't need an official day to knit in public. As a matter of fact, I have been doing this for decades. Much to the chagrin of my offspring, I have been known to knit at school sporting events and jazz choir concerts.
One day last week, I sat on a bench in the park on Victoria Harbour knitting and enjoying the view and passing pedestrians.
Victoria Harbour

Victoria Harbour

Two couples greeted me as they passed. One of the men called out "Saturday is World Wide Knit in Public Day!"
What a hoot!
"How did you know that?" I asked.
"I knit," his wife replied.

So now all of you are in the know. Watch for it next year wherever you may be on the second Saturday in June.

Posted by pscotterly 09:34 Archived in Canada Tagged vancouver_island

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I am with you. No place is a place where you Can't knit!

by Bobbie

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