A Travellerspoint blog

The Week Winds Down

Leaving on a Jet Plane

View North by Northwest on pscotterly's travel map.

Bazil had just enough time to take more candid shots of his grandmother and cousin plus a few selfies before he had to leave on a jet plane back to Denver.
Another Fatface Selfie

Another Fatface Selfie

Another Irritating Candid

Another Irritating Candid

Someone Else is Tired of Candids

Someone Else is Tired of Candids

Again this summer, he is studying drums in a local School of Rock and had to get back for lessons and practice sessions.

I had a few more days with baby Carley and the adults in the family.
Aunt and Uncle Godparents

Aunt and Uncle Godparents

Hanrahan Panek Family at Dinner

Hanrahan Panek Family at Dinner

Carley has some rough daytime hours, but is definitely a perfect nighttime baby. That is the most important.
Who Is Not a Happy Baby

Who Is Not a Happy Baby

Hopefully, Brendan and Stephanie had time to go to work and have some free time while I was there. It would be a pity if they didn’t get any benefits from having me as a houseguest. Brendan is the stay-at-home parent when Stephanie is on assignment. He was able to go in to work while I was there and on Stephanie's days off, she was able to do errands and have a bit of pampering with the masseuse and at the nail salon.
Paula and Grandpuppy Relaxing

Paula and Grandpuppy Relaxing

Mother and Child

Mother and Child

Then, it was time for me to leave on a jet plane. Bye bye baby. I return to Vancouver Island.
Canadian Mapleleaf

Canadian Mapleleaf

Welcome to Victoria Intrnational Airport

Welcome to Victoria Intrnational Airport

Ol' '95 Waiting

Ol' '95 Waiting

Posted by pscotterly 16:35 Archived in USA Tagged california

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