The Week Winds Down
Leaving on a Jet Plane
13.07.2016 - 16.07.2016
North by Northwest
on pscotterly's travel map.
Bazil had just enough time to take more candid shots of his grandmother and cousin plus a few selfies before he had to leave on a jet plane back to Denver.
Again this summer, he is studying drums in a local School of Rock and had to get back for lessons and practice sessions.
I had a few more days with baby Carley and the adults in the family.
Carley has some rough daytime hours, but is definitely a perfect nighttime baby. That is the most important.
Hopefully, Brendan and Stephanie had time to go to work and have some free time while I was there. It would be a pity if they didn’t get any benefits from having me as a houseguest. Brendan is the stay-at-home parent when Stephanie is on assignment. He was able to go in to work while I was there and on Stephanie's days off, she was able to do errands and have a bit of pampering with the masseuse and at the nail salon.
Then, it was time for me to leave on a jet plane. Bye bye baby. I return to Vancouver Island.
Posted by pscotterly 16:35 Archived in USA Tagged california