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And It is NOT Drunken

A Day in Duncan

View North by Northwest on pscotterly's travel map.

Duncan is another port city about 50 miles up island from my current house sit.
Downtown Duncan

Downtown Duncan

When I had my hair cut in Sooke a few weeks ago, I told the stylist that Duncan was on my list of places to visit.
"We call it Drunken Duncan, if you get my gist," she chuckled.
"Well, I guess so," I answered assuming she was making derogatory remarks about the large First Nations population there and that much of the surrounding area is Reserve land.
Well, I visited and I certainly didn't see any drunks. I guess I didn't get her gist.
Totems and Rail History

Totems and Rail History

I knew Duncan had a museum, was the main center of the Cowichan Valley, and a impressive display of Totems.
I was not disappointed in any of the town.
Well, maybe I had expected a bit too much from the museum.
Every Small Town Museum Has One

Every Small Town Museum Has One

Always Yesteryear's Hospital Room

Always Yesteryear's Hospital Room

And, I sure wasn't impressed with my breakfast. Except the ceiling of the restaurant was a hobbyist's showplace.
Not As Good As His Airplane Models

Not As Good As His Airplane Models

No Particular Reason

No Particular Reason

Quench Fountain

Quench Fountain

But, I found the rest of the downtown quite charming. It was 1/3 hippie, 1/3 First Nation, and 1/3 small town life. In the early AM, no one is on the street and everything is quiet. Everyone you meet is friendly and will answer questions. After the stores open, you find galleries, boutiques, and hardware stores. You walk through wafts of patchouli, lavender, wood carving, and cooking food as you stroll the streets.
A Charming Little Town

A Charming Little Town

A Pleasant Pocket Park

A Pleasant Pocket Park

It is on the tour bus stop, but they only get about 20 minutes. I am glad I had the entire day.

The totems are quite spectacular.
Over 30 Totems throughout Duncan

Over 30 Totems throughout Duncan

Guided Walk of about 10 Totems

Guided Walk of about 10 Totems

You can take a guided tour. There are also yellow footprints painted on the sidewalk to guide you to most of the others. Each totem has a descriptive placard so you can read he carver's description and a brief bio. I began to be able to recognize some of the different stories and symbols,
Duncan Totem

Duncan Totem

Centennial Totem

Centennial Totem

The 39 Days of July festival was in full swing. For 39 days from the last week in July to the end of the first week in August, free concerts are held in the town park. Every hour between noon and 8 PM local musicians entertain for free.Each set lasts 45 minutes.
All Local Musicians

All Local Musicians

Children Enjoy the Music

Children Enjoy the Music

Serious Listening and Dancing

Serious Listening and Dancing

Young Children Always Make Me Feel Happy

Young Children Always Make Me Feel Happy

While eating a tasty hamburger at sidewalk table, I saw a young couple approaching. They were dressed a little fancier than most folks do around here on a typical weekday, so they caught my eye.
As they passed, I overheard her say, "I don't know what that means."
He replied, "Consummate our marriage - that is what we are going to do tonight."
Another venue just a few doors down has a piano sitting on the sidewalk for public use. She sat down to play him I song. I approached them to ask if I could take their picture as I had overheard their conversation and knew it was their wedding day.
They were delighted and I emailed them photos.
Wedding Song II

Wedding Song II

They have known each other for two months. I sure wish them the best of luck and a happy future.

Instead of driving the entire distance home, I picked up a ferry in Mill Bay and got off in Brentwood Bay just a few minutes drive from home.
I just missed the ferry, so had to wait 1 1/2 hours for the next one. It was okay because I had a good long chat with Angie, another woman in line. I think I motivated her to do some traveling again and not be afraid because she was no longer young!
Another Ferry Ride

Another Ferry Ride

Approaching Brentwood Bay

Approaching Brentwood Bay

Posted by pscotterly 12:28 Archived in Canada

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