A Travellerspoint blog

Visit Sooke Again

Things To Do Before I Go

View North by Northwest on pscotterly's travel map.

I had stayed in Sooke for over a month and had not met the owners of the home where I was house sitting. They had to leave for Europe before I could arrive, and I had to leave to visit my new granddaughter before they returned.
They were nice enough to invite me for dinner at "my house."
Who Is Working in My Kitchen

Who Is Working in My Kitchen

One Last Glass of Wine in the Backyard

One Last Glass of Wine in the Backyard

I had not had one single guest at this home. It was so nice to be welcomed by the owners.
My only responsibility at this home was to keep the flowers and vegetables watered and harvest what I could eat. We were all pleased that I let only one potted tree die and broke only a few branches on the cherry tree. We ate cabbage and green beans from the garden.
I was delighted to see that this unusual plant had bloomed.
Had Bloomed

Had Bloomed

Sooke Fine Arts

Sooke Fine Arts

Sooke has an annual Fine Arts Show. It is a juried show of new work by artists who live in one of the Canadian Pacific Coast Islands. There was some really spectacular work - with some quite spectacular prices.
Entering the Sooke Fine Arts Show

Entering the Sooke Fine Arts Show

My 3 Favorites All in a Row

My 3 Favorites All in a Row

All of Victoria Island is recognized for its galleries and resident artists. The little community of Sooke should be quite proud of what they present. My friends are quite active in many things in the community and this show is one of them. Rob is part of the team that lays out and hangs the over 300 items. It was a job well done.
If you come to Vancouver Island, come towards the end of July to attend this exhibit.
Lunch with Maria and Rob MacD

Lunch with Maria and Rob MacD

Rob and Maria are such delightful folk (maybe they enjoy my company also) that we decided to get for lunch another day.

You might be interested in knowing that while I was house sitting for them they walked the Camino Frances. They started skipped the Pyrenees and started in Pamplona and ended in Santiago de Compestella shortly after Maria's 75th birthday. That should motivate all of us to get moving!

Posted by pscotterly 19:22 Archived in Canada Tagged vancouver_island

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