One Last Day in the City
Hanging in My Hood
05.08.2016 - 05.08.2016
It was my last night in Vancouver. I received an email from my AirBnB host offering me another night on the house,
In the morning, I decided to spend one more day here - no touring and no driving through the BC country - just enjoying my Vancouver neighborhood the West End.
A-maze-ing Laughter is a sculpture near my house. It was designed by a Chinese sculptor - one description states in response to Tiananmen Square.
Even though it is only one of many public art pieces throughout the town, almost every tourist to Vancouver comes here to take photos . You can see why.
The striking thing about this great part of Vancouver - there are NO single-family houses. There is this one next to my shabby condo building. It is even shabbier - even I did not dare to go past this hedge.
"Oh yes, there are!" I was told to go to Mole Hill, the highest point in the city of Vancouver. It is about 300 feet high above sea level and about one mile from my condo. Sure enough, there was one block of single family houses. I think there are a few more and many of them are multi-family units. All are preserved from 1930s era properties.
I found another "historic" duplex a few blocks away,
Apparently around the communities of Mount Pleasant and the University of BC area there are more houses, but this is the only city I have ever visited that did not have at least a small area of the original homes. Almost everything has been razed to create the City of Glass,
The population of Denver and Vancouver are similar - just a bit over 600,000. With the density of all these high-rise buildings, I would have thought Vancouver had many more than Denver. I love Denver's preserved neighborhoods. I also love Vancouver
I could spend a month here.....But time to hit the road and leave the city.
Posted by pscotterly 07:22 Archived in Canada Tagged vancouver