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Paula and Paola Play in Glacier Park

Ready and Willing

I flew into Calgary Sunday night after 24 hours in Denver. I spent the night in the same campground outside Fort Macleod, Alberta that I had 48 hours ago.
Next on the itinerary was Glacier National Park in Montana, USA. My friend Paola, from a rural area near Mantova, Italy, was going to meet me for a few nights of camping. I met Paola while Couch Surfing in 2012. She visited me in Denver in 2013. This year, she was coming to Chicago to study at an institute for Italian teachers of English and decided to head to the "wilderness" and join me on my road trip.

I drove at least two hours out of my way to find a Walmart. I knew I would be in pretty remote country after I crossed the Canada/US border at Del Bonita. They probably get one crossing an hour and seem to find it important to make you wait at the gate until they approach the window from some distant backroom.
La Bonita Border Crossing

La Bonita Border Crossing

We were very friendly with one another until I wanted to take a picture of the "Welcome to the United States" sign. Because it was within the fenced area, I was denied this opportunity. Security, you know,
I threw a hissy fit. Instead, I had to shoot the Lions welcome sign that was down the road.
Home of the Scared

Home of the Scared

A couple hundred more miles driving through the flat plains of the Blackfeet Reservation, I finally arrived in Glacier National Park.
Nice Spot for the Bed in the Van

Nice Spot for the Bed in the Van

I was quite relieved to find a campsite in Two Medicine campground. In case you haven't heard, camping is always at a premium in Glacier and this is the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service.

Camping alone over all the many miles I have traveled is a breeze. I drive the van in and pull out the Coleman stove. Sometimes I eat at a fine restaurant and skip the Coleman supper.

Preparing camp for an Italian campguest who is not a camper put me in quite a tizzy. Additionally, the van was a dirty mess.
By Monday night, I was totally exhausted.
What's Wrong with This Tent

What's Wrong with This Tent

Campsite Ready for Company

Campsite Ready for Company

Exhausted after my long drive, shopping, and camp setup, I struggled to make it to the Ranger talk and learned a lot about mountain goats vs sheep due to the ranger's whimsical but very informative presentation.
Start of Ranger Talk

Start of Ranger Talk

Ranger Plays a Mountain Goat

Ranger Plays a Mountain Goat

I spent all day Tuesday lounging in the hammock and in a chair by Two Medicine Lake.
Two Medicine Lake

Two Medicine Lake

At 6:45 PM the Amtrak arrived at the East Glacier station.
Here Comes Paola

Here Comes Paola

All Aboard

All Aboard

Paola took her home for the week in jovial stride.
Paola's New Home

Paola's New Home

She quickly picked up the knack of keeping a clean camp that does not attract bears.
Paola Takes to Washing Dishes in Camp

Paola Takes to Washing Dishes in Camp

Posted by pscotterly 20:21 Archived in USA Tagged montana glacier_natl_park

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