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Paula and Paola Play in Glacier Park- Wednesday

A Walk Around the Lake

Wednesday morning broke bright and sunny. Paola quickly learned the breakfast and wash-up routine and we decided to take a walk around Two Medicine Lake.
We Are Not Climbing That

We Are Not Climbing That

Let's Walk to That Side of the Lake

Let's Walk to That Side of the Lake

I thought I would turn around and return to camp when I felt I had gone half as far as my arthritic legs could take,
Starting Out

Starting Out

Paola Likes Thimbleberries

Paola Likes Thimbleberries

Paula Prefers Huckle or Serviceberries

Paula Prefers Huckle or Serviceberries

Don't Eat These Berries

Don't Eat These Berries

Bird in the Bush

Bird in the Bush

At lunchtime and a fork in the trail, the signage indicated we were almost half way, I decided to continue to the end. Paola walked slowly just for me and we stopped often to look around and chat.


Twin Falls

Twin Falls

6 Miles Down 3 To Go

6 Miles Down 3 To Go

At about 6 miles, we met some backcountry campers who told us a very large moose was near the trail ahead of us. We crept along quietly hoping to catch a glimpse off the trail. Paola rounded a corner and then returned - wide-eyed, gesturing, and mouthing "He is VERY large!"
Then she crept ahead to try to take a close-up picture. I was adamant she not approach it and insisted she get off the trail in case he came in our direction. I cowered behind a tree and blew my whistle to head him away,
To Paola's disappointment, my actions made us safe but only gave us a distant picture.
Moose Rump

Moose Rump

We Love the Scenery

We Love the Scenery

A Little Red Bird

A Little Red Bird

Marble Tree Trunk

Marble Tree Trunk

Odd-Shaped Growth

Odd-Shaped Growth

With about two miles to go, a swaying footbridge appeared. I was sure I was going to have to crawl on my hand and knees to cross it.


There were several other hikers in the area and only one person is allowed on the bridge at a time. I was too embarrassed to crawl in front of all these young, healthy strangers. I walked across with only a bit of a fuss.
I Made It

I Made It

None of the strangers seemed surprised that I had made it and did not offer any high fives in my honor. Paola was sufficiently exuberant for me, however.
Just before we arrived at the camp store, we saw a cow moose.
Female Moose Rump

Female Moose Rump

By the time we reached the opposite end of the circular trail route, we had walked more than nine miles. We still had a mile to get to our campsite. I flagged down a car and asked if they would drive me. The husband driver asked his wife and she shook her head "No."
I made it, but please, folks, if some old lady in a National Park asks you for a short ride to her campsite, fear not. Go ahead and give her a ride.
Americans Love Their Flag

Americans Love Their Flag

Upon our return, Paola went for a swim in the lake.
Paola Goes for a Swim

Paola Goes for a Swim

9 Hours and 9 Miles Later

9 Hours and 9 Miles Later

I had a vodka and tonic.
Even Paola Needs to Rest

Even Paola Needs to Rest

Posted by pscotterly 07:14 Archived in USA Tagged montana glacier_natl_park

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Beautiful shots esp. love the composition of Paola walking into lake for swim. Tnat is a prize-winner!!!

by Ann Lang Truex

High five for Paula making it across the bridge--I may have turned around and gone back the other way!! That was one long hike--very impressive!

by Jane Alter Yohe

The moose was definitely big....and , for sure, I Was safe thanks to Paula's warning and her whistle!

by Paola

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