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Paula and Paola Play in Glacier Park- Thursday and Friday

From Rain to Sun

Thursday broke a bit cool with rain imminent . We tried to secure the tent against bad weather by adding my rain poncho to the tarp canopy.
We headed to the camp store and bought wood and a much thicker waterproof sleeping pad.By Friday morning, Paola learned the English phrase "It was worth every penny I paid for it.
Better Have a Fire Tonight

Better Have a Fire Tonight

We drove to St Mary's and took the shuttle bus on the Going to the Sun Road to Logan Pass. Here, the flags of three nations fly: USA, Blackfeet, and Canada
Three Flags Over Glacier-001

Three Flags Over Glacier-001

Paola and Paula

Paola and Paula

At Logan Pass

At Logan Pass

We walked the trail to Hidden Lake - Paula did about three or four miles; Paola did the entire six miles.
Cloud Cover

Cloud Cover

No Blue Sky Today

No Blue Sky Today

We were glad for the cold air and rain, The previous day it was almost 90 degrees. I don't think I would have been at all interested in traipsing along in the blazing sun for that many miles.
Low Clouds

Low Clouds

Sheep Not Goats

Sheep Not Goats

The Vagabond

The Vagabond

Talking with Young Hikers

Talking with Young Hikers

When we returned to camp, we discovered what had been a misty drizzle on the pass had been a steady rain in the campground. The tarp aand poncho had sagged, but kept the tent dry, With a bit of bailing, we were able to get the overhang taut again.
This was no night to cook on the Coleman. We went to the Lodge for dinner in a rather cacophonous dining room.
I checked the weather and it said it should stop raining at 9:30 PM.
We walked out of the dining room at 9:31.
The rain had stopped. When has the weather report ever been that accurate.

I am not sure I would have been as light hearted as Paola having to sleep in that dreary, damp campground. I was pleased to have my cosy bed in the van
Friday dawned sunny but cool.
Dry Inside the Tent

Dry Inside the Tent

We tried to build a roaring fire to get the day off to a good start, but were not too successful.
Our Measly Morning Fire

Our Measly Morning Fire

We headed to Two Medicine Lake for kayaking.
In the Kayak

In the Kayak

Then we went back to the lodge where we had phone and internet access. Paola had been trying to reserve a week of work/study at the Ananda Ashram in Monroe, New York. This scheduling entailed two flights, two round-trip bus rides, and an all night taxi service in addition to two contacts at the ashram.
Hours of Scheduling To Do

Hours of Scheduling To Do

Paula assisted with the interpretation and internet location. Paola got flustered. Paula got irritable,
We stopped for a picnic lunch. When we checked the time, it was actually dinnertime at 5 PM. We had missed lunch.
Picnic on the Lodge Lawn

Picnic on the Lodge Lawn

Three Flags Over Glacier

Three Flags Over Glacier

(Here, the three flags include US, Blackfeet, and Park.)

It was a nice evening for our last night in the campground I asked the help of a neighbor and he used my little hatchet to create some nice small pieces of wood for a wonderful fire.
Minnesota Nice Made Us a Good Fire

Minnesota Nice Made Us a Good Fire

No Rain Good Fire

No Rain Good Fire

Posted by pscotterly 13:33 Archived in USA Tagged montana glacier_natl_park

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